Providing Towing Services to the OPP

There are things you need to understand if you are a towing Ottawa company,  called to tow for the OPP.

First, you need to learn of two types of towing requests including:

Consumer/owner-requested towing: The owner/driver of the vehicle requests this towing service.

Police-requested towing: Two types of towing services fall under this category.

· Non-legislated towing: The police requests tow truck Ottawa services on behalf of a driver/owner who cannot manage to authorize the tow because he/she is injured or incapacitated.

· Legislated towing: The police make requests for towing Ottawa services as a consequence of legislated authority e.g stunt driving.

How to receive notification of towing Ottawa service request

The OPP broadcasts tow truck Ottawa service requests through their radio channel. The OPP dispatcher will specify whether the tow is an owner request or a police request. He/she will also broadcast the type of vehicle that needs to be towed. Once at the scene, the tow truck and driver will undergo police verification to ensure all the provincial requirements are met before proceeding with the towing services.

Only one tow vehicle for each vehicle involved in an accident or collision is allowed to arrive at the scene. However,  an investigating officer can assess the situation, and call for more than one tow vehicle for the safe removal of the affected vehicles from the incident. Besides, any tow trucks parked within a distance of 200 meters from the collision, and if not required, will be directed to clear the area.

Responsibilities involved when towing for the OPP 

· For consumer/owner and non-legislated towing:

Tow truck Ottawa companies are required to give their estimate quotes for the towing and storage services. However, the owner/driver of the affected vehicle may turn down the towing Ottawa companies depending on the estimated costs. Tow truck Ottawa companies and impound facility must provide contact details to the driver and the police.

If a driver can safely drive a vehicle to the nearest collision reporting center, there won’t be a need to tow the vehicle. Police may, with the owner or driver’s consent, direct the tow truck driver to release safe-to-drive vehicles, which don’t require towing. In such a case, the towing Ottawa company will not be paid.

For police-requested or legislated towing: 

A legislated tow service requires that OPP officers use a towing Ottawa company truck only once per shift.

Under legislated towing service, the affected vehicle must be impounded in the province where it was towed from.

The towed vehicle shall not be released from the impound facility, by the towing Gatineau company, without prior authorization from the OPP or before the release date.

A copy of towing information records report shall be availed to the towing operator. The report includes the vehicle owner’s details and the impounded vehicle’s release date.

Towing Gatineau truck operators are not allowed to park tow trucks on-ramps, highways, or other restricted areas on the provincial highways.

All tow truck Ottawa drivers are required to provide their driver’s license, tow vehicle’s documents and other details, and the Commercial vehicle operator’s registration (CVOR), to the police.

More useful tools 

All tow companies, drivers, towing operators are encouraged to learn the rules, regulations, and relevant information guiding the whole towing process.

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